Good bye Mootash!
On the 23rd September I had to say goodby to my little friend. Moo was the life and Soul of the House. Home won’t be the same again, without being greeted by Moo’ing and copious amounts of attention. Motash was a 2 year old rescue cat from the RSPCA, at Barns Hill and arrived on 11th November 2007, as a surprise for Mum, who came out of hospital on the same day. Moo gave good service to Bridie in Dads’ absence, finishing the scraps off Mums plate and snuggling under the covers. The best hot water bottle on four feet and conning visitors and strangers for extra food. She left my arms at 7.15pm to sit at Mums feet in heaven. Her ashes interned with Mum & Dad.
I can’t beleive what I did, but she had cancer and I’m not selfish. It adds a little more emptiness here and so defining too. In the meantime I encountered a few Mootash lookalikes, very weird. all come up to me for a little Macushla. One on 28th Sept after a call out and one at Yardley Crem on 6th Oct after work, very uncanny. Then last night I met Tom the Morrisons More Cat! I’m thinking Nine Lives. Do I get a little company Christmas? Not sure……………………..
Moo? Moo? Moo? Yardley Crem Tom Morissons More Cat