Stripping Back Christmas, Advent 2020

Hello to each and everyone of you, on your Journey towards Christmas. My thoughts and prayers for those of you who are struggling, with all the change and decay, the poor in Spirit, those suffering with illness and the bereaved and the Jobless. Not to forget those essential workers, keeping the wheels turning. I’m sure many of you are thinking that Christmas will not be the same this year or may be just ‘Skip It’, quickly to avoid all the pain and You, like me might yearn for the Ghost of Christmas Past and all its memory’s, or, the Christmas the way you like it…..

There are times when my work can be difficult and my box opens up, with thoughts of Mum, Dad and family, but to put a lid on it, I ponder, how on earth the Blessed Virgin Mary with Child and Saint Joseph ever made the Journey to Bethlehem? Or even arrived in one piece as, Mary said ‘Yes’ to the Angel Gabriel to change our lives for ever with Gods Love, which lies always round the corner of the long and winding road, when we least expect it.

Can you imagine for one moment, limited provisions, little money, no first aid kit, mobile phone, no comfy car with heated seats; the journey being treacherous, with thieves, inclement weather, illness and being hunted by Herods hench men or the Romans seeking threats to Caesar Augustus’s dominium. A donkey for transport that might give up on the Journey at any moment and certainly no midwife, although Saint Joseph stepped up to the mark, ‘fair play to him now’……

The swealtering days and freezing nights in the open! Illustrated by the beautiful painting by Sarah Summers. They had to travel 90 miles to Bethlehem to the city of Joseph’s ancestors: south along the flatlands of the Jordan River, to avoid the shorter Journey through Samaria as the Jews were in conflict with the Samaritans, then west over the hills surrounding Jerusalem, and on into Bethlehem. It was a fairly grueling trip of maybe a week to ten days factoring in everything. It makes me shiver and feel guilty when I covid grumble to myself, as I can imagine the stress and anxiety, of such a trip and what lies ahead. What future and plan has God for Marys unborn child. Looking on the outside the wrapping paper wasn’t wrapped in the most expensive, sparkling gilt edge wrap found under a display tree in John Lewis, even though the religious Christmas cards if you can find one these days depict a sparkling Journey of Starry Nights, bringing warmth and comfort to the heart….
I’m humbled and feel very insignificant, that somebody would attempt such a road trip for me. It took the Three Kings 60 about days.

Some of you may be sceptical and believe it a Christmas Story for Children and seek more? But maybe this year, you have encountered the kindness and Love of others, that make so much difference to our lives. Do you often find that when life gets you down, you are at your lowest ebb and the darkness seems darker than dark and when something good happens, how ever small; a smile, a simple gesture, a tiny change, the spark of which could light a thousand candles, can be so Bright. Best of all, when the paper has been unraveled, Gods gift to us, of an unchanging Love that doesnt decay is revealed! We were born to Love……..

There may be no Santa visits, Christmas work parties, the German market, Carol Services, Christmas Baptisms or weddings, the Annual Christmas holiday to Prague Lapland or New Year sunshine break and other regular events that have been locked down. For most of us a friend, partner or family remember may be not be with you or there is somebody you can’t be with because of the restrictions. ‘Stripping back Christmas’, will certainly reveal what is truly underneath and certainly won’t stop you putting the Christmas tree up early if the kids haven’t been pestering you already…..
I certainly remember Christmas’s when we didn’t have much, but what we had, we were more than happy with and me Muddar’ Bride God Bless her would be making the Chrismas cake and soaking it with Brandy little by little. One Christmas Mum and Dad took in ‘Old John’ a lovely Man who had nobody and no one to look after him; sitting in the pub alone. He lived with us a few months until we found his daughter in Leeds and he was like a Grand Father to us as Pop Doc had passed away back 78. I so remember that man and the Love Mum and Dad had so freely offered him. I live in the comfort that i WILL see then again, in Lords own time…

I’m sure that we will all get the opportunity to spend some time with those that we love Christmas week, in the mean time, its time for change, wether it be preparing the home, making your own cards, decorations, even making up, if not baking a Christmas Cake too lol! Also making that extra special effort to contact some old friends and check in on those alone or struggling on their Journey to Bethlehem this Year, (socially distanced of course). I shall be posting some further blogs on what Macushla has been up to, in the meantime I shall leave you a little inspiration!
Jesus himself said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29-30).

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” St Tereasa of Avila

Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices.
Take care be Safe Macushla X
The Feast of Christ the King. 22nd Nov 2020
The image of Joseph with Mary on the donkey is my design. I painted it many years ago. Please will you credit me as the copyright owner. My website is Thank you