The Journey to Bethlehem 2020

I like to wish to you all a Merry Christmas where ever you are and especially if you are alone. I’m sure there are plenty of Zoom meetings and FaceTime parties happening this year. I bet the telephone wires are frying with Christmas Festivities. I pray a fuse doesn’t blow, then again there’s 5G!

l am sure that many of you will have had put up your Christmas Tree early this year. A neighbour had theirs up, the night after bonfire night, that’s far too early. The Pandemic has made us yearn for Christmas to come and the sparkling lights to blot out the darkness and instill a little hope. I waited the weekend before, so that my tree will survive the curious kittens. I held out as long as I could to listen to my Christmas Playlist to add the icing to Christmas.
Like you, I’m sure there is somebody that you are missing this year. It’s a very much different Christmas with the clock ticking slower, with much food for thought. My thoughts and prayers for those grieving and alone this Christmas.
Preparing for change, comes to mind especially during these difficult times, bettering ourselves clearing out the cluttered cupboards of the past. Out with the old, in with the new, together with a healthier and better mind set, to achieve purpose and self worth, even if alone. I decided back at the start of Advent to walk the mileage to Bethlehem and back which is Approx 200 Miles. Reflecting on my previous blog, ‘Stripping Back Christmas’ and to experience a mindful Pilgrimage.

I walked 6km at 6am and 6pm starting from 25th November to, and including Christmas Day. In total, 216 Miles what ever the weather conditions. I’m sure Romans Didn’t sell brollies and The Virgin Mary and St Joseph must have been freezing at Night. It was some Journey. I would have been made up with a dry stable out of the cold. It makes one appreciate the meaning of Christmas. How ironic there would be ‘the Star of Bethlehem 2020’ alignment rising above the Recreation Gound in Acocks Green at 7am to my amazement. A sign of a new hope and change.
“And after this there shall arise a Star from Jacob. And a Man shall arise like the sun, walking with the Son’s of Men, with gentleness and Righteousness. This is the shoot of God Most High, This is the Fountain of Life of All Humanity”

Christmas Eve I was commissioned to play the Accordion, solo at St Francis in Kineton the Parish of Fr David Tams. The congregation in silent Joyful praise with Francis the violinist. It was very surreal, but sweet and so much different. The of absence voices was a missing dynamic, and brought it home how much we need each other, even so I was so pleased to have made it, as a tier 4 lockdown here, would have shot my travel plans. A crispy cold night, filled with the moon and stars and the fragrant smell of burning logs set the scene for a fulfilling Christmas Eve.
The Crib; St Francis at Kineton 2020
Christmas Day started with a 5.30am walk to deliver the last of my Christmas post and get an early start, with a Journey to Walmley to deliver presents to my youngest Sister Joanne and her family, then to them Cemetery of St Mary’s College Oscott, the seat of the Blessed Virgin Mary to honour my Grand Fathers Generation and lay a wreath and offer prayers and the Gospel of St Luke. A beautiful view of Birmingham could be seen. It’s a journey I have been making every Christmas Day since childhood, a promise made by my Father to his Father. I look forward to a return Vespers on Sunday evenings when the battle is over….
Wonderful Christmas World 1998
Performed at Sacred Heart & Holy Souls, thanks to Nicholas & Kate Mansell and much leg work by yours truly and the cast of parish members of yest a year. Commissioned by Fr Pat Browne, now retired. The YouTube Video comes in two parts and is preceded by a procession through Acocks Green with a Real Donkey, two actually, called Kevin and Suzie. The memory brings a tear to my eye and it’s amazing what we can do in the darkness, as a door closed on my career that Christmas. It’s worth viewing with a sentimental score and the script written through the eyes of a suffering child with illness. I’m sure you may recognise a few faces. The Video comes in two parts. Part 1 ands Part 2

The most wonderful word in the dictionary is ‘Yes’ and means so much when it’s the answer we yearn to hear, “Have I got the Job? Have I passed? Am I clear? Borrow me a Twenty? Do you love me”, lol……,’ where do I stop. I’m humbled and grateful Mary said ‘Yes’ and opened up the door of Love for us to step through in to the arms of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. There is hope for a better future with much learned on this long and winding road. And don’t get me wrong! ‘By God it’s a lonely walk!’, but I’m damned if I’m going to be beaten.
I look forward to watching the Nativity Story DVD and a few other of my festive favourites. I hope to get the Honda and Lambretta out if the weather permits. Where ever you are and what ever you are doing; there may not have been room at the Inns in Bethlehem for The Virgin Mary with Child, but may there be enough room for Love in your Hearts to Share with Others this Christmas. Stay Safe! God Bless!
Nollaig Shona dhuit, love MaCushla X
My soul magnifies the Lord. And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm, He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever.