Footprints in the Snow. Advent 2021

‘The Journey to Bethlehem (2020)’ my Christmas Advent Blog, left much food for thought, the Season was Winter; the month, December; and since at that time of the year in the Holy Land strong winds blow and heavy rains fall, it may become bitterly cold on the hills. I questioned how the Blessed Virgin Mary with child, made it to Bethlehem?
Close your eyes and follow what you see; imagine left behind the footprints of a beast of burden, alongside the footprints of a Man, and in the far distance, a bright star, shining down on top of a humble poverty-stricken town, Bethlehem. We never ask ourselves each Christmas, how did they make such a Periless Journey. It’s overshadowed twinkling lights, glitter and by Christmas itself. In life, amazing achievements over shadow those individuals in the background, who make it all happen. How often do we go to a star-studded performance, or to a football match and only see the end result? The silent individual, invisible in the background never receives the credit they deserve, but criticism in the event of disaster.
On most Journeys there is the one individual, not just male, who drives, carries the passports, money, boarding passes, valuables and all the essentials usually a parent, or a football manager, production exec, that lead us, on that year we had in Ireland or that pilgrimage to Lourdes, to win the cup, a BAFTA. One thing is for sure, if the team goes down the manager is sacked. To others they are unacknowledged and overlooked until they are personally revealed. I’m sure the leaders among you will say it can be a thankless Job, but then again, our rewards are in Heaven.

It can be said of the Christmas Season, we often forget the Human footprints in the Snow, left by St Joseph. A favourite Christmas Carol comes to mind of the Christian Saint good King Wenceslas: ‘Heat was in the very Sod’. Every year St Joseph stands in back of the Crib silently overlooking, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Infant Child, the Choir of Angels with the Shepherds and the Kings. Maybe not the most exciting figurine that is placed in the family Crib, but always placed by Mother & Child. St Joseph in real life a far younger man!
I am so pleased that this year, being year of St Joseph, the Church reveals many answers to meditate on and how St Joseph fits perfectly in to the Equation.

The human footprints left behind in the snow alongside the Donkey’s, are touching and memorable, especially, for those we miss. They are of a truly special Saint, as we ponder the Saints in our own lives. A pure and Chaste Man who loved Mary deeply and raised the infant child to be Servant King. Our earthly Father is always our Hero, alongside our mother and I can proudly say that about my Dad, John Doherty, many will say a beautiful man and a Saint in his own right. Now I can’t leave out me only ‘Muddar’, Bridie. Ironically enough the picture below was taken 5th October 1963 at the ‘Holy Family’ in Small Heath. Mary & Joseph our Spiritual Parents, taking stage at Christmas, a template for Family Life especially in an Irish Family. It certainly is Christmas, when we treasure Family and the fond memories of times past.
I often wonder how my Father made it through the most difficult times, and he kept his sufferings silent and steadfast on the Journey. I’ve learned that Wisdom is not saying anything until needed. Needless to Say, St Joseph provided everything for the Journey, obstacles prevailing with a strong pure heart and Love of God. Christmas is always a time to remember those who have touched us and given us hope to strive on, also a time to remember those who make sacrifices for the greater good in the cause for those less fortunate than ourselves.
As St Joseph takes pride of place in my Crib this year, I ponder on the ‘foot prints in the snow’, and give thanks that Christ has carried me thus far and influenced others to accompany me further on my journey of service and love.

As you make your Advent Journey this year, may it be a Happy and Heartfelt preparation for Christmas where ever you may be. And may the Footprints you leave behind, are left, with a little warmth, and tenderness. Love MaCushla.
‘Oh God of Laughter, help me to be Brave, and know that a grim-set face is Rarely Right: that Gravity will surely drag me to the Grave, while Levity may Lift me to the Light.’
St Joseph Pray for Us.
One word, beautiful, I shall wipe my eyes and smile inside and out thank you brother Kev, we love you xxx