The Journey to Bethlehem 2021

Kineton Christmas Eve 2021
Welcome to Macushla’s Christmas Day Blog. Christmas!!!! It’s here and I made it, whether I want to be Jolly or Not? I can think of umpteen reasons why not to be after the Year have we have all had!
Will I have done enough this year? To deserve this Christmas and the Sacrifice made by a little child ‘God made Man!’, of Unlimited Love. Unlimited; that’s a fantastic word, isn’t it? Sounds like a real bargain! Wahey unlimited texts, eat as much as you want, free bar, now your’re talking diesel! Or diesel at a Pound per Litre. I pray you have had enough fuel to leave some footprints in the snow on your Journey to Bethlehem.

the Parish of St Ambrose Barlow Hall Green
As much as you want! Isn’t that a fantastic deal Unlimited Love I’m up for that! As the Irish would say, ‘Jazuz d’ats a mighty word’, and you would be right. In the environment we find ourselves the need for Love is unlimited and I discern myself constantly, how could I reach unlimited. One thing is for sure ‘Done Enough’ is not Unlimited.
I alway feel humbled and unworthy of the sacrifice, no matter how much light I shine on the world for the small amount of time that I am, here. Wouldn’t it be grand to leave life, without any red wine spillages on your table cloth, done that one, on me Muddar’s at many a Christmas dinner lol! Well, that’s the plan, and throw in a feel good-factor along the long and winding road, would be another bargain. ‘Sure, it depends on what you drink lol!’.

Birmingham City Mission 15th December 2021
If I, shed a tear at the Crib or Listen to ‘Away in a Manger’ or ‘In the Bleak Midwinter It’s for this reason and to be honest for those I miss. But I should need not fear as God is with Us, and for sure, who knows when he going to pop his head around the corner in the form of another…….

Yardley 12th December 2022
Organised By
Stephen & Philip Painter Independent Family Funeral Directors
On that note; It is a treasure to see Love manifested in the others, ‘the Invisible God’ within. There is a cliche from the Film ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’….. ‘What man is man who does not make the world better’. Or ‘Woman’, may I add for all you ladies out there. We all yearn a better world, I’m sure you would agree under the circumstances. I pray that during these difficult times, that as one does closes another one opens as nothing is impossible for God. My thanks and gratitude to my colleagues in the Funeral Services who work tirelessly all year round in the cause of others, so a very Happy Christmas to the Staff at Stephen and Philip Painters Independent Family Funeral Directors, what can I say? You are all truly Special!

So I shall let it out of the Bag’ I’m going to be a Grandad. Congratulations to Holly Doherty & Richard Stafford who are expecting, as me muddar would say…’right where’s me shot gun lol….Absolutely fantastic! and guess who’s had new baby, yes me!!!!! Now I’m not going to be a Daddy and it isn’t another Immaculate Conception, as I was put out pasture long ago. It is a figurine of Italian origin of the baby Jesus, and yes I have my very own Manager in Fox Hollies. Not sure what Lilo and Terk will think, but will probably climb in lol! I shall attach a gallery of Advent Journey and shall blog a New Year review to highlight the positives of 2021.

Christmas Carol Service 15th December 2021
And to keep this blog as short as possible so you can all spread the Joy, Let me whole hearted wish you all, believers, non-believers, non-Christian, cats, dogs and aliens a very Merry & Happy & Holy Christmas or as they say in Hawaiin; Melle Kalikimaka. (Holy: In Good Deed).

Finally! My thoughts today, are for my special friend, Neil Taylor and his family. A kind and generous Gentleman who filled a Father’s shoes for me, and left me with this greeting…’I’m as good as she will allow to be’… How true ;-), My thoughts and prayers go out to all the grieving especially to those I have served and are struggling with this Christmas.

God Blessings
Love Macushla x
St Joseph Pray for Us (and everybody else too!)