In Search of the Magi 2024

In Memory of my friend Andy Money, who passed away on the 19th of December. ‘The Saint’, and was hoping to make it till Christmas! And reach Bethlehem in time! Rest in Peace Brother, and God be with you, Linda and your family!

Also to My Cousin Aiden Cranny who sadly passed away unexpectedly on 21st of December., Rockmarshall, Dundalk, Co Louth Ireland. My thoughts and prayers to all at home this Christmas.

It’s Christmas Blog time! It’s seems to come around so quickly and where has the year gone! An eventful 60th year with much to think about. My previous blogs have been focussed on Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the Wee Donkey. This year my focus is on The Three Wise Men! Their Search and our desire for completeness! Being drawn to those we love or drawn to those in need of service and love! Going the distance! Searching for the Star!
I pay a special tribute this Advent, to my children. My daughter Holly Doherty who runs an Outpatients Urology Clinic at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham and my son Aaron Doherty, who made the solo pilgrimage to Cologne Cathedral, to seek the shrine of the three wisemen and experience its immensity as I did a few years past. Both a credit to Love!

Life’s journey seems to twist and ebb with the flow of time. How our interest’s and aspiration’s change. As a two wheeled rider I find great joy in stopping off and encountering new places and people by chance. And an appreciation of the gifts given to me on the Journey. Where should I go and why? Maps or Calimoto for Motorcycling are handy for not getting lost and for the safest route home. Age and Wisdom come in handy when they are not to hand.
There’s always doubt, but if there was always certainty there would be no faith! I can imagine, being partly lost and wondering of the perils of a long 900 Mile journey, that the wise men travelled to reach Bethlehem! All on a promise of Love that was awaiting them! But appreciating Great things never come easy!
We spend a life time searching for the last piece of the puzzle and learning along the way. I ponder on the Magi’s Journey and who they encountered and what they experienced! Together with the Holy Families, reaching out on their way to those who waited for Gods promise! I can imagine the anticipation that something new was going to happen under a brightly shining star.

I can’t help feel how much we are part of this Journey everyday, but so much more during this time of Advent! I pray for the strength to Journey on and walk in the foot steps of the Magi, to follow the Star and to give and feel the love along the way!
I pray that this Christmas a new and better world awaits us around the corner and when we stumble there will be those to help us, while they follow their Star! In every good deed Christ is born again in our Lives.

May I wish you Gods blessing on your journey this Christmas while God awaits us in those less fortunate than ourselves! God of the sorrowing draw near.
Service and Love
Macushla x
‘A star shall arise from Jacob….’