MaCushla Poems & Meditations
Finally I have copy written all my works to publish on Macushla. They are moments of Inspiration, that I found on my Journey, through some the the most difficult moments. They still bring me comfort in Refection. I hope, that you find a little something in my meditiatons on your Journey. Heaven is found in the most Finite of places, where God’s Love lives. May you you find Peace and Love, as you struggle with yours. Macushla X-
The Wind
A little Mindfulness of the Senses can bring back fond memories….

The Ship of Love
A theme of Letting Go and seeing Life for what it is after some healing time….

A poem identifying all the treasures in our life that we can sometimes Forget and Overlook……
My son Aaron Doherty now in this Picture was in Reception at Sacred Heart & Holy Souls Primary School. 17 years ago he is now 21. He or Holly my Daughter never knew for many years, who the man inside the suit was? Of course it was Santa! Let the Magic LIve on……….

Shstart me the Shstart
As any Muso will tell you while playing among the Irish, that when a guest singer comes to the stage, who has had a few too many can’t remember the first note or words of a song, even though he knows it well. Many a night on a late session, alcoholic dementure has had the better of me. The trick is Don’t Drink Lol!

Water to Wine
A Christmas favourite, always reminding me ‘to Jesus through Mary’ as our Eternal Mother always has the ear of her Son. Mary asks Jesus to Turn Water in to Wine at the Wedding at Cana. A sign of the start of his Ministry.
The transformation of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana or Wedding at Cana is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John. In the Gospel account, Jesus, his mother and his disciples are invited to a wedding, and when the wine runs out, Jesus delivers a sign of his glory by turning water into wine.
Each large Wine Pot held from 20 to 30 gallons. Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water. He ordered them to draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet, who was in charge of food and drink. The master was unaware of Jesus’ turning the water in the jars into wine.
And quality wine it was too. How often does the beer get better at the end of night, when odd the dodgy barrell is hooked up. How I would have loved to squeeze a few tunes of at that wedding. One of my Favourite Decades of the the Rosary, is the Second Luminous Mystery. The start of sometimg truly special. It goes to show we should always listen to our Mother!………….. Yes Bridie LOL!

‘Water to wine, Old in to New, Jesus our Saviour was born just for You.
Darkness to Light, Sadness to Joy, in Bethlehem Town, was once born a boy.
Despair in to hope, hatred to love, born out of Mary, The Spirit, the Dove.
Through Mary to Jesus, in God, we rejoice. The word was made Flesh, let the Angels Rejoice.
Doubt in to Faith, War in Peace, A Star rose from David, Then came the Kings.
Death in to Life, Shouts full of Praise, Glory to God, The Son has been Raised.
The end of all Fears, the end of tears, Christ is here with us, rejoice all your Years.
The end of all Fears, the end of Tears, Christ is here with us, rejoice all your years.
Water to wine, Old in to New Jesus our Saviour, was born just for You.’
18th Dec 2018. Copyright Macushla Accordion Tributes