Macushla Testimonials
Derek Cooper 21st Feb 2021

Derek was a very happy person who loved the simple life. He was a really friendly chap and everyone who met him remembered him. We will miss him terribly .all our love forever, never forgotten.
‘Kevin played his accordian beautifully, & singing Danny Boy (it was St Patrick’s Day) and one of Derek’s favourite films was Mary Poppins so we were uplifted by “Let’s go Fly a Kite” and “Edelweiss” From the Sound of Music. Everyone was very moved and Derek would have loved it.’….
Sadly missed by his Loving Sister Alyson McCusker & Family.
Patricia Tams – 22nd Feb 2010

Mother to Fr David Tams, Dear friend and Parish Priest. A special Tribute of ‘As I kneel before you’ was given at Witton Cemetery, with Prayers and Thoughts for all her Family from Bridie & Kevin.

‘ I shall always be greatful to Kevin for playing his Accordion at my Mother’s Graveside. It was both comforting and uplifting to hear the mourners joining in and singing ” Ave Maria, gratia plena”. And over the Year Kevin has walked and played his accordion along side many a Priest as they lead mourners to the the place of Repose at the Cemetery, and at the Graveside, many a hymn, ballad or anthem, has been played giving strength and comfort to many. Thank you Kevin for your compassion, concern and great faith: And may your Accordion continue to give great consolation through the Gift of your Music. God bless you. Fr David ‘
Simon Malonely – 21st May 2020
Simon was a totally humble and kind hearted man who would give his money away to those in need and would go without. A man with a Big Heart and loved by all. He missed his Mum and must have spent much time alone and was very sentimental. He didn’t have much, but what he had he gave away. If these were a normal times, we could fill the Crematorium thrice over. This was only the tribute sang and played for a victim of the Covid 19 Pandemic since March 2020.
The search for God is people and it is truly humbling when we are touched by Service & Love. Heaven is found in the little things and it’s the little things that bring us comfort in such troubled times. If the world could only open it’s eyes…. I’m sure that there was an accolade of angels in Heaven when Simon Maloney’s name was called upstairs to be reunited with the Mother he loved and so much. This wonderful man comforted me at the times my work got the better of me. Simon’s ashes lie behind the Bar of the Grange Private Members Club for a time we can return him to him to his Mum, safely. Macushla X
Patricia Reddick RIP – 23rd Oct 2019

Just wanted to say a massive thank you for playing at my Mum’s Funeral. It was a lovely send off and also a tribute to my Grandad who is buried with her. As it was only a Graveside Service, it made it so much more special. Rest In Paradise Mum, Love Gillian, Denyse & Elizabeth X.
A Macushla Accordion Tribute, at Brandwood Graveside Service. Raglan Road, The Fields of Athenry, Danny Boy & The Soldiers Song in Memory of a Special Lady & Good Neighbour in Fox Hollies. Macushla X. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Sister Mary Columba McCarthy RIP 21st September 2019 PBVM Matlock

My close friend, Mentor & Counsellor of many years, passed after a short illness, a Holy Peaceful Death. From Paisley Glasglow, serving the Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary for over 50 years, in Zambia and the UK. Columba felt as she was going on Holiday. Her Words she always would say. ‘ Something’s coming, I don’t know what it is, But it is. Gonna be great!’ – West Side Story. who knows whats round the corner?
I said goodbye with a Macushla Tribute, the Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, Flower of Scotland, the Skye Boat Song & Danny Boy at the Presentation Convent in Matlock. a truly amazing woman who changed my Life. Our Lady sent a Butter Fly to land on her Coffin flowers in the Chapel. I owe you so much Sister Columba! Nano Nagle Pray for Us
Alan Doyle – 22nd Dec 2017

A Tribute to my Brother in Heart and childhood friend in Hemel Hempstead. An Ave Maria Solo with the Organist and Graveside Tribute of Danny Boy. A truly special Family who always looked after me as a child. I swim for you Al…
Caroline Doyle – Thank you Kevin you did Alan proud yesterday, having you there would have meant everything to him as it did to the whole of the Doyle family xx
Tyrone Hearn RIP – 17th Feb 2017

Tyrone Hearn a Gentleman and good friend and Tribute of Danny boy given at KIngs Norton Cemetery. Rest in Peace my old friend X
Patricia Holohan RIP – 8th August 2019
A big thank you Kevin for the wonderful tribute you gave Mum at her burial. Your playing of Raglan Road as we carried Mum to her Grave and then Danny Boy, when she was laid to rest was beautiful. Thanks again Kevin for your kindness and support. God bless you. The Holohan Family. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Richard Lawson Ward RIP – 27th July 2019

Richard Lawson Ward – RAF. Cleobury Mortimer. The Dambusters Tribute and Danny boy at the Graveside, together with accordion at the Cleobury Town Hall Wake.
Winnie Lytham RIP – 10th June 2019

Thankyou Kevin for coming to St Peters in Bloxwich to play a Tribute for Winnie at the Requiem Mass and for your prayers and love on Sundays at St Marys College Oscott. She would have loved to hear Amazing Grace played so beautifully beside her. Francis and I shall miss Winnie at Vespers, god bless, Tereasa Cullen.
Pat Levins RIP – 16th March 2019

‘Kevin I would just like to thank you for everything that you done at my dads funeral he got a great send off you are a true gent’…… Eugine Levins. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Joe Manion RIP – 5th March 2019

Thankyou so much Kevin.
Dad had the best send off we coul’d have wished for surrounded by all his lovely family and friends who loved him so much.
He really is going to be missed by us all.
RIP Dear❤️…….Tereasa Manion Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Pat Diskin RIP – 18th December 2018 Bridie Diskin RIP – 25th April 2014

I had the honour of playing the Services & Gravesides of Pat & Bridie Diskin, a Special Couple from the Counties Galway & Mayo. The Doherty’s will never forget the happiness and magic that made such a difference to our lives and fond memories. Sean, Francis, Jimmy & Annette our thoughts & prayers always Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Mark Lohan RIP – 21st Oct 2012 & Margaret Lohan – 28th Aug 2016

Kevin served our parents playing the Accordion at both Requiem Services , offering beautifully played hymn tributes with the Galway and Wexford colours. Our Gratitude to Macushla Accordion Tributes, the Lohan Family……. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Bridie Doherty RIP – 23rd June 2016

A Tribute of ‘Home to Donegal’ and the Soldiers Song for Mum at Brandwood End Cemetery. ‘I Love you as I never Loved before’…….
Mick Sullivan RIP – 24th Feb 2019

I just want to say a big thank you to Kevin Doherty for his amazing accordion playing at Saint Anne’s church for the funeral service of my Dad Mick O’Sullivan. You really made the service very special. Your accompaniment was great and you played Raglan Rd beautifully. Thank you so much. John O’sullivan.
Anne Byrne RIP – 4th May 2018
Thank you Kevin for playing at Mums Grave and playing the Wake at Olton Mere Sailing Club, it was awonderful Tribute with Mother MaCree, one that all From Australia will never forget, Mum would be proud. Linus Bynre….
‘Festor’ Wills RIP – Feb 2016
Anthony, Joseph, Wills. Born 3rd June 1954. Departed, 23rd February 2016. Where ever I go I feel him watching over me. When I lived in Warwick Road. I left the Oven on and went to Bed. Twice he called out my name, and awoke me. I smelled the oven straight away. Rushed down the stairs and switched it off. I did not realise at first. It just hit me afterwards. I said thanks Tony. ( My Guardian Angel, always). Kev Paid Tribute to Our Festor at Witton Cemetery with Danny Boy, with the Flag of St George tied to his Accordion and again entertained us back at the wake. Thank you my friend. Steve Mills.

Bob Peacock RIP – 22nd July 2015
Kevin made our daddybobs funeral so very special. He played Oh ‘ Danny Boy at his graveside. I think it’s lovely to have Music as you lay your loved ones to rest. In that moment, it gives you a peaceful time to reflect on them and remember, the joy and laughter they gave you, in their living years. Kevin gave us an uplifting experience and is a very kind and respect full man who not only played through our tears but played at the wake and took everyone there that day to a Joyous level where we all sang along and celebrated Bob’s life. Everyone told me that we did Daddybob proud that day. I would recommend Kevin to anyone. He brings joy to heavy hearted moments. Thank you Kevin. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Mary Hanrahan RIP – March 2015
Kevin played the accordian at our beloved moms funeral in March 2015 He is so talented and thoughtful and sang with the utmost respect for everyone I would recommend his company to all you will not be disappointed and thankyou Kevin from all the Hanrahan family x Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
Bridget Ware RIP – 11th April 2014
When Kevin Played at my Gran’s Funeral, everyone said how good he was. He played the two favourite songs of Gran’s and he was fantastic. He made Gran’s service very special. Highly Recommended. Grace Moran… Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter
John Doherty RIP – 9th August 2019

A Tribute of Danny Boy and the Soldiers Song to honour the Memory of a special Father at Brandwood Cemetry. Miss you Dad X
Eddie Tracey RIP July 2005
Kevin played a very moving tribute at my late Dad’s funeral, his kindness and empathy made a sad occasion just a little bit easier. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a special little extra touch for a loved ones last goodbye. – by Eileen Tracey. Funeral Director: Stephen & Philip Painter